Did the nightmare of those metallic braces haunt you and prevented from, approaching a dentist with your dental alignment issues?
The issues like crowding, over or underbite might not look serious but they can have adverse effects on your dentures, gums and even facial structure with the passage of time. Dr. Kam’s Agoura Advanced Dentistry at CA gives you liberation from the torturous conventional braces, through Invisalign.
“There are several clients who come-up with queries on the effectiveness of Invisalign.” Says Dr. Kam, “To them I simply answer, if it lets you smile freely, it cures you better.” With his experience and ability to learn and adapt, the latest developments and techniques of the dental branch, Dr. Kam has not just built on a clientele but he has earned the trust of many who had severe oral health issues.
Invisalign Agoura Hills is a trendier and effective technique under the expert care of Dr. Kam.

• There are no tightening of wires or metal brackets that need extra precautions and careful handling.
• You can eat everything and there is no need to clean with a baby brush or other such measures. Simply remove this aligner before eating or cleaning. Hence if you are able to clean your teeth in the standard ways, you feel cleaner too.
• Because of their transparent look they are almost invisible, hence there are less stares following you, to cause embarrassment.
Amongst the most famous dentist at Agoura Hills, Dr. Kam’s clinic is equipped with the latest and the best technologies. You get state-of-the-art facilities to treat and care for your beautiful smile.

Your teeth may sometimes become weak due to age, trauma or root canal treatment
To reinforce the structure, strength and durability of your weakened teeth, a dental crown is necessary.
A crown is like a cap that covers the weak tooth structure and is cemented onto it permanently with dental cement.
When a tooth needs a crown, it is first cut and shaped to create the space needed for the crown. An impression is then made of the prepared tooth and is sent to the dental lab for fabrication of the crown. A temporary replacement crown may be placed in case there is time before the next visit.
At Agoura Advanced Dentistry, we want to make sure that your teeth stay healthy and strong for longer. We provide high quality and esthetic crowns, whether they are made purely of porcelain or are fused to a metal base for extra strength and durability.
You can always trust us at Agoura Advanced Dentistry to provide you long lasting, solid crowns for your teeth!
Every adult normally has a third set of molars, commonly called your Wisdom Teeth. Although it does not happen to everyone, wisdom teeth can erupt anywhere from your early teens to early twenties causing dental issues and can be very painful. At this point you will require a simple dental surgery to remove the impacted molars. This procedure is relatively simple and you should begin feeling normal again just a few days after the surgery.

Reasons to Take out Wisdom Teeth
- Impacted Wisdom Teeth – trapped wisdom teeth in the jawbone can cause severe pain in the gums and bone area. It happens when there is not enough of space in the jawbone and when they don’t have the ability to erupt normally.
- The Wrong Angle – when the wisdom teeth starts to erupt in the wrong angle it may cause a lot of damage in your mouth. They might damage the second molars, which are very important for your overall chewing function. You need to extract wisdom teeth which grow at the wrong angle as soon as possible, to prevent the damage.
- Gum diseases and Cavities – after the eruption of third molars, you need to pay extra attention while brushing and flossing your teeth, because you need to get used to brushing hard to reach places. When patients don’t brush the new set of wisdom teeth, they are being easily affected by tooth decay. Moreover, remaining food particles cause gum diseases.
Before the Procedure
Through your first consultation make sure you will discuss some following subjects with your oral surgeon:
- Tell your dentist all your medical history and other health problems that you have.
- Provide information about your drugs and medications that you consume every day.
- Discuss any concerns you might have about the procedure.
- Discuss the anesthesia options and ask what type of anesthesia your doctor recommends for your specific case.
- Ask about the time that you will need to take off of work after the surgery, in order to make some time to rest and feel normal again.
Types of anesthesia
Local – it is the fastest type of anesthesia where a small injection of anesthetic would be injected around the wisdom tooth that will be taken out. The procedure would be painless. In order for you to relax, even more, you might get laughing gas as well.
Sedation – This type of anesthesia contains local anesthesia and intravenous anesthesia through your vein. It will make you drowsy and relaxed. You might even fall asleep or don’t remember the procedure, but throughout the entire surgery, you will remain conscious.
General – you will be unconscious and sleep throughout the entire procedure and for around an hour after the surgery. The drugs will be injected into the vein or inhaled through the special mask. You will feel drowsy for the entire day after the procedure, so it would be a good idea to find a driver who would be able to drive you home.
During the surgery
The overall procedure should take about an hour. The doctor will make a small incision into your gums to remove the impacted wisdom teeth. Then the tooth can be pulled out or divided into sections to remove in smaller pieces. Then the wound will then be cleaned out and stitched up. Gauze will be placed in the mouth to prevent bleeding.
After the surgery
How you will feel after the surgery fully depends on what type of anesthesia you will choose. If you got local anesthesia you will feel completely normal and you will be able to drive after the treatment. On the other hand, if you had general anesthesia, you might need to take a day off at work because you will feel drowsy and sleepy for a couple of hours after the surgery and won’t be able to drive. It is completely normal to feel a little pain after the surgery. 3 days after the surgery you might still experience a little discomfort and swelling. In order to completely heal, you might need few weeks to recover.
Oral Care Post Surgery
- Try to ice the cheeks after the surgery, it might decrease the swelling and prevent color changes.
- Exercise jaw by slowly closing and opening your mouth.
- Try to eat soft foods for first 3 days.
- Drink a lot of water and fluids.
- Brush your teeth only on the second day of the surgery. Avoid brushing around the wound area.
- Drink the prescribed medication, which reduces the pain and swelling.
- Don’t use straw for drinking your beverages, it might loosen up your blood clot.
- Don’t rinse your mouth heavily. Do it gently.
- Don’t eat hot and warm foods for the first day after the surgery in order to prevent bleeding.
- Don’t eat hard and crunchy foods like nuts and cookies.
- Don’t smoke for few days after the surgery. It will fasten up your healing process.
If you are considering to get your wisdom teeth taken out, visit our highly qualified specialists at Agoura Advanced Dentistry. We will be happy to answer all your questions and provide you with the best dental treatments. Don’t wait any longer and schedule your consultation with Dr. Kam today: (818) 874-3533

Agoura Advanced Dentistry
Monday: 9Am – 6pm
Tuesday: 9Am – 6pm
Wednesday: 9Am – 6pm
Thursday: 9Am – 6pm
Friday: 9Am – 6pm